Lora,mqtt,meshtastic, oktomqtt(false)

In an effort to make it easier for people to maintain some semblance of privacy, meshtastic implemented a flag to add to messages. The flag describes whether the sender wishes their messages to be forwarded to any mosquito servers. By default this is set to false, or “I don’t want my messages sent to mosquito servers.” My primary issue here is that this feels like theater to me. Admittedly there is very little to be done to actually secure things like location, the software allows you to mess with the precision (moving your transmitted location within a pre-defined amount of space), or just not transmit it at all.
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Got most of the functionality back from when fedora updated their kernel and everything started behaving poorly. It is no secret that nextcloud is running on my server but it was kind of limping along until now, where it got back the ability to edit office files WOO!. Update: nope, not fully working again XD
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First Actual Post

Hello all, First real post using this new system. Just wanting to see how it turns out ^_^. And this is an update to that post.
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